Game:MRA ball (bangladeshi game)

Some excellent item added if traditional brick breaking game. Now this is world number one break braking game.
You have seen this game style before. MRA Ball continues,a ball is bouncing around and breaking bricks. You bounce it back up to break more and if you let the ball pass your paddle, then you lose a life. Advance to the next level by breaking all the bricks.                                                                                                                  Download MRA Ball

Brick Breaking has remained the most popular game type! MRA ball continue this tand

Google earth created in 1960 but we get it 2005

It is unbelievable but true that most of the modern technology in the world comes for Army. With out Army sponsor nuclear reactor did not made truly, present Word 80 percent of electricity is produce from it. May be it's a bad example  ghusi, so let think about intent. Every where internet network coverage made for Army, now it use every country of the world and depend on it fully. today? We don't need oxygen but must need an internet connection tongue_smile.
However, there is no public information about Area 51, research is the Basic work of this area.Area 51 of the scientists who think the whole thing was all an attempt to discover the huge , but they do not receive any honor,
After  15 to 20 years later this technology come out to us, and the credit goes to someone else.We get  the google Earth in 2005 I was surprised The Russian military created google earth in 1960!
After 50 years later google published it but but we don't know who think this idea first.