1.What is Anno1777?
Anno1777 is an online game that can be played from a browser like internet explorer without the need of any additonal downloads.In Anno1777 you are a citizen from the 17-th century who fights to go up on the social ladder. Unlike any other games of this type in anno you can exchange virtual currency for real money or the other way around.
2.How do i open an account ?
Open your browser go to anno1777 home page and press the Open account tab. Carefully fill in all the require data and in less then 1 minute your account will be opened.
3.Why am i asked to give out my phone number ?
Every game of this type imposes certain conditions , in anno you are only allowed to have one account, but since rules are made to be broken , to avoid multi – accounts we require phone account activation by sending an sms.
4.How do i verify my phone number ?
When you’ll try to create your account in anno , certain fields will be required like your mobile phone number, fill in the number and press OK , in approximately 1 minute you will receive an sms with a code. In the same page , fill in the received code and the account wil be activated and you’ll be able to play the game.
5.Why am i asked to give out my phone number ?
Every game of this type imposes certain conditions , in anno you are only allowed to have one account, but since rules are made to be broken , to avoid multi – accounts we require phone account activation by sending an sms.
6.How can you make real money playing ?
In anno1777, the virtual currency EURO can be exchanged for real world currency. So you see why a financial success in anno may translate into more money for you in the real life.
7.Who pays the money withdrawn by players from the game ?
The amount withdrawn from the virtual account is transfered into a real world bank account by the owners of the game.
8.There are a lot of currencies in the game . Wich ones can be exchanged for real money ?
In the game you will find virtual euro , virtual gold , and probably dozens of local currencies belonging to a certain country or private territory. Only virtual euro can be withdrawn from the game at 1:1 exchange rate. Basicly 10 virtual euro can be exchanged for 10 real euro. Virtual euro can be bought with virtual gold or with real euro . Virtual gold can be bought with any virtual currency available in the country your in or you can sell virtual euro. Local currency can be gained by working or other economic business opportunities.
9.How do i make a deposit of real money in the game ?
Go to “accounting and financial report” tab select “euro operations” . You can deposit money by SMS , PayPal, Credit Card or bank transfer. For the first 3 options your account in anno will be charged immediatly after the payment with virtual euro , wich you’ll be able to exchange for virtual gold or buy certain economic properties.
10.How do i withdraw money from the game ?
Go to “accounting and financial report” /”euro operations”/ and select “Withdraw” tab . You can withdraw money by paypal or bank transfer . You will need to go to “payment info” tab and carefully fill in your payment profile.
11.How long until i get my money ?
All transfer are concluded within 48 hours .
12.How can i make money in the game ?
ANNO1777 imitates a real life economy. There are multiple ways to make money . The easiest way would be to work for ingame companies, but there is a wide array of choices like opening your own company , wares commerce or slaves.
13.What is “WELLNESS” ?
Wellness is by far the most important indicator in the game.All your gains are related to how much wellness you have, bonuses, salaries ,or how many opponents can you conquer. Wellnes rises when you consume certain products and diminishes each hour by a certain amount of points , or when you fight or work.
14.When and and how Wellness diminishes ?
Wellness diminishes every hour according to the following formula : Pr =W x 0.05 ( Pr – procentage, W – actual wellness). Wellness will drop according to the previous formula disregarding any activities that you may or may not be doing. For example if your wellness is at 50% , it will drop each hour by 50 x 0.05 meaning you will lose 2.5 point of wellness. Wellness also diminishes every time you work by 8% and after every fight by 1%.
15.How do i keep my Wellness high ?
Wellness rises when you consume food , wine or if you are well dressed or live in a house. A food ration can give you between 1-5 points of wellness> A bottle of wine between 1-50 points every day . The house you live in can give you 5 to 25 points every day depending on it’s quality.
16.How many types of clothes are there ?
There are 10 types of garments and you can own only one type of each. You can have only one hat one set of pants etc. Clothes have 5 levels of quality wich is measured in stars,5 stars clothes being the best your money can buy. Depending on their quality level clothes cand endure the passing of time a lot longer and will give you more or less strength everyday. Clothes are produced by the “Cloth” manufacturing companies , they are degradable wich means ,when a certian period of time has passed they will dissapear from your inventory.
17.What types of food are there ?
There is only one type of food wich can have 5 degrees of quality.Quality 1 food will give you 1 point of strength ,quality 2/ 2 points of strenth and so on until level 5 wich will strenghten you by 5 points of wellness.Food companies (restaurants) can name their food as they wish.
18.How many times/day can i eat ?
You can eat 4 ration/day. You can supply your inventory with more food but you will only be able to eat once every 6 hours.
19.How many types of houses are there ?
There is only one type of house. Houses have 5 degrees of quality and are the only products wich are not degradable. A house can boost your wellness with 5 ,10,15,20, or 25 wellness points everyday. They can be rented or bought. To get the wellnes bonus you need to reside in that house.You can only live in one house at any given time.
20.Where is my Inventory ?
Inventory section can be found by pressing Pics,Profile & Inventory in the header menu. Here you can see all your clothes, houses , food and any means of transportation you own.
21.How do i buy products ?
To buy products go to “Goods” tab in the main menu. Goods are organized in sections. Choose the section you were looking for, specify the desired quantity and press the buy button, a new pop up will ask you who do you wish to buy the products for ( for your company or for yourself).
22.How do i move to another region ?
To change region go to “Main Page” and click the “Change Region” tab. You can move from one region to another “by foot” or by using a means of transportation. If you choose to go “by foot” you will lose 1 wellness point for every 10 km you travel. If you don’t own a carriage or a hot air balloon , you can rent them after you have selected your destination .
23.How many means of transportation are there ?
There are two type of transports: carriages and hot air balloons.Carriages can only be used to travel only inside the country, hot air baloons can travel worldwide.
24.How do i travel without losing any wellness ?
Using transportation is the only way to travel without losing any wellness points.Without them you will lose 1 wellness point for every 10km traveled.
25.How do i buy a carriage or a hot air baloon ?
You can buy means of transportation from the goods tab found in the main menu. Choose means of transportation section then click on the desired mean of transport (carriage or hot air baloon).
26.How do i change citizenship ?
To change citizenship you must fill in an application request to the government of the country you wish to become a citizen . First you must move in that country ( region is not important).Go to Presidency & Government section in the menu , Demography and click the “citizenship” button. You will need to present a reason for your application. After sending your application it will need to be approved by a member of the government to gain citizenship in that country.
27.How do i upload a picture ?
To upload a picture go to Pics & Profile Inventory section, you will be able to upload new pictures there or delete old ones. Any new pictures submitted will be pending approval from a member of the game administration team before it can become visible.
28.How do i fill in my profile ?
To fill in your profile go to Pics & Profile Inventory section, answer the 10 questions and they will become visible as soon as they will be approved.
29.What is a government bonus?
Government bonus represents money offered in local currency by the government to players when they complete certain achievments.There are 9 types of bonuses. Most of them can be cashed in only once every 24 hours , other more times/ day.
30.How do i get my bonus ?
Go to Bonuses tab from the left menu , thats where you will find all available bonuses.
31.Why do i pay taxes and to who’m do i pay them ?
Taxes are essential for the game economy. There are two major taxes that you will pay. One for your masters , and one to the government budget. Both firms and citizens have the obligation to pay these taxes.
32.How many types of fights are there ?
There are two type of fights. First type reffers to fights bewteen players concluded with slave capturing and the second type reffers to fights during war time bewteen countries concluded with the capture of regions.
33.How many times/day can i fight ?
One fight lasts for 20 minutes and can be ended immediatly by paying 0.1 euro. There is no limit to the number of fights that can be started in a day period.
34.What is a slave ?
When you attack someone and win that person becomes your slave, he will pay you taxes form all his income . The amount paid varies between 2.5% and 25% an is influenced by the strength you have. Example : at 50% wellness you will receive 12.5%.
35.How many types of slaves are there ?
There are two types of slaves . Direct slaves and permanent slaves. Direct slaves can be obtained by aquisition or by attack. Permanent slaves are the players that sign through your refferal link.
36.How do i gain a lot of direct slaves ?
There are two ways to obtain slaves by aquisition or by fighting. When you attack someone and win the fight, he becomes your slave and he will pay you taxes from all his income. You can also buy slaves from the “Slave Market” section found in the main menu.
37.What is a permanent slave and how do i gain them ?
Permanent slaves are the players that sign in the game through your refferal link. they are called permanent slaves because they can not be lost trough battle or any other means, they can however be sold . Even if a permanent slave is attacked by someonelse , he will continue to pay you taxes as a permanent slave. Permanent slaves can be bought or sold.
38.What kind of taxes do i receive from a permanent slave ?
A permanent slave will pay up to 10% tax from every income he makes . You will receive this procentage according to the strength you have . At 50% wellness , you will receive 5% tax from every income your permanent slaves have.
39.How do i block a slave ?
Only direct slaves can be blocked. To block a slave go to Fight/Slaves and click the “block slave” button. Check for the cost also.
40.Why would i pay to block a slave ?
Some slaves are more profitable then others because they can bring you bigger revenues if they are very active or if they invest a lot of money in the game. By blocking these slaves , they cannot be attacked , therefore they can’t be lost. When the generate revenues are greater then the blocking cost you will make profit.
41.How do i sell a slave ?
To sell a slave go to Fights/Slaves choose a section (direct ,blocked or permanent ), click the sell button and carefully fill in the price, after that click ok and the slave will be placed on the market for sale instantly.
42.What taxes do i pay when i transfer slaves ?
For each type of slave the government sets a tax wich will be paid when the transfer occurs. To see the amount of taxes paid for each type of slaves go to Presidency& Government /Taxes & Bonuses, you will find them listed here.
43.How do i buy slaves ?
To buy slaves go to Slave market tab from the main menu , choose a section and click the buy button.
44.How do i attack another player ?
To attack another player go to Fight tab from the main menu . There you will find listed a series of targets available in your region. To be able to attack you must not be involved in any other type of activity like work,fight or in transit to another region/country. The same goes for your opponent. Both players must be in the same region. You cant attack players with more defence points then your attack points.
45.How is the winner decided in a battle ?
The result of a fight is decided by comparing the attacker atack points with the defender defense points. If the attacker’s point are bigger he wins the fight.
46.What kind of weapons are there ?
There are 10 types of attack weapons nd 10 types of defense weapons. Each weapon has 5 levels of quality. The higher the quality ,the more attack/defense points it will yield to it’s bearer. A quality 1 weapon can be used in 10 fights after that it will disappear form your inventory , a quality 5 weapon can be used in 50 fights.
47.How do i buy weapons ?
Weapons can be bought by going to the goods tab in the main menu. They will go into your inventory as soon as you’ve bought them.
48.Where can i see how many weapons i have ?
Go to Pics,Profile & Inventory tab, there you will find listed all available weapons and the bonus points you get from them.
49.How many weapons can i buy ?
You can only have one of each type of weapon at any given time.
50.How do i calculate attack points ? What about defence points ?
Each attack weapon has a fixed number of attack points , you can have more attack points by buying higher quality weapons. The total amount of points given by all your attack weapons reprezent your total atack points. Based on your attack points and wellness the final attack points will determine whether you will win or lose a fight. Same goes for defence weapons.
51.How do you determine the total attack ? What about total defence ?
Total attack is calculated based on your attack points and your wellnes with the following formula : TA =W%AP, where TA -total attack, W-wellness, AP – attack points. If for example the amount attack points given by your weapons is 100 and your wellness is 25%, your total attack will be 25. Same goes for total defence.
52.What is the economic rating and how do i raise it ?
Everyday you work your economic rating will rise by 2 points, However you lose 1 point /day.If you work 10 days in a row, your economic rating will rise by 10 points.You can’t have more then 100 economic rating, based on this rating and your wellness productivity is calculated.
53.What is productivity ?
The amount of money you receive when working is determined by your productivity. The salaries listed on the jobs page reffer to players with 100% productivity. Productivity formula is : Prod = (W + ER)/2 where Prod – Productivity ,W – wellness, ER – economic rating. If your wellness is 50% and your economic rating is 80 your productivity is (80+50) / 2 = 65.
54.How do i get a job ?
Each attack weapon has a fixed number of attack points , you can have more attack points by buying higher quality weapons. The total amount of points given by all your attack weapons reprezent your total atack points. Based on your attack points and wellness the final attack points will determine whether you will win or lose a fight. Same goes for defence weapons.
55.How long a workday lasts ?
A workday lasts for 8 hours. While you work you can’t fight and you can’t move to another region.
56.The salary listed is different form what i receive
The salaries listed on the jobs page relate to players with 100% productivity. If you received less it means your productivity is not 100%. With 50% productivity , you will receive half of the listed salary.
57.How often can i work within a day’s period ?
You can only work once every 24 hours.
58.Who can open companies in Anno1777 ?
Anyone can open a company assuming they have the required amount of money.
59.How do i open a company ?
Go to my companies tab in the main menu click the open tab then choose from the listed companies. You will have to fill in a description, a name and upload a picture for your company. To manage your newly created company go to my companies tab again.
60.How much will it cost me to open a new company ?
Companies cost between 2 and 50 euro. Prices are listed within the company page , after you click the open new company tab.
61.How does a company work ?
Almost all companies in Anno1777 are based on the same principle. They all require raw materials , means of production and workforce to manufacture various products. These products are sold later with an added cost.
62.What kind of raw materials are there ?
There are 5 types of raw materials : iron,wood,cotton,meat and leather. All other products use these raw materials in their manufacturing process.
63.How do i create a workplace for my company ?
Go to the management page of your company select the workplace tab and create a new one. You can create as many workplaces as you wish, they cost 1 euro each.
64.How do i open a new branch ?
If you want your products to be available in a certain region you need to open a branch in that area. Go to management page of your company select the branches tab , there you will have the option to create a new branch in the regions available in your country. Opening a new branch costs 1 euro.
65.How do i sell my products ?
Go to the management page of your company . Fill in the quantity you wish to sell along with the price then click the sell button. To remove them from the market add 0 value instead of your quantity.
66.What is a license ?
A license allows you to manufacture and sell certain products. You can buy a license in the game .
67.How do i buy a license ?
Go to the management page of your company slect the license section, there you will find listed all available licenses ranging form quality 1 to 5. Carefully select the license you want and click the buy button.
68.How do i sell a license ?
Go to the management page of your company , fill in the price you want then click the sell button next to your license. Keep in mind though when someonelse buys your license he will also buy all the stock belonging to that company .
69.How do i see what products i sold with my company ?
Go to the management page of your company select the accounting tab, there you will find listed all tranzactions made by your company.
70.What is a “mean of production” ?
Mean of production or tools and machinery are required to manufacture products. Mean of production are need it by all companies in anno and have a degradable life span.
Anno1777 is an online game that can be played from a browser like internet explorer without the need of any additonal downloads.In Anno1777 you are a citizen from the 17-th century who fights to go up on the social ladder. Unlike any other games of this type in anno you can exchange virtual currency for real money or the other way around.
2.How do i open an account ?
Open your browser go to anno1777 home page and press the Open account tab. Carefully fill in all the require data and in less then 1 minute your account will be opened.
3.Why am i asked to give out my phone number ?
Every game of this type imposes certain conditions , in anno you are only allowed to have one account, but since rules are made to be broken , to avoid multi – accounts we require phone account activation by sending an sms.
4.How do i verify my phone number ?
When you’ll try to create your account in anno , certain fields will be required like your mobile phone number, fill in the number and press OK , in approximately 1 minute you will receive an sms with a code. In the same page , fill in the received code and the account wil be activated and you’ll be able to play the game.
5.Why am i asked to give out my phone number ?
Every game of this type imposes certain conditions , in anno you are only allowed to have one account, but since rules are made to be broken , to avoid multi – accounts we require phone account activation by sending an sms.
6.How can you make real money playing ?
In anno1777, the virtual currency EURO can be exchanged for real world currency. So you see why a financial success in anno may translate into more money for you in the real life.
7.Who pays the money withdrawn by players from the game ?
The amount withdrawn from the virtual account is transfered into a real world bank account by the owners of the game.
8.There are a lot of currencies in the game . Wich ones can be exchanged for real money ?
In the game you will find virtual euro , virtual gold , and probably dozens of local currencies belonging to a certain country or private territory. Only virtual euro can be withdrawn from the game at 1:1 exchange rate. Basicly 10 virtual euro can be exchanged for 10 real euro. Virtual euro can be bought with virtual gold or with real euro . Virtual gold can be bought with any virtual currency available in the country your in or you can sell virtual euro. Local currency can be gained by working or other economic business opportunities.
9.How do i make a deposit of real money in the game ?
Go to “accounting and financial report” tab select “euro operations” . You can deposit money by SMS , PayPal, Credit Card or bank transfer. For the first 3 options your account in anno will be charged immediatly after the payment with virtual euro , wich you’ll be able to exchange for virtual gold or buy certain economic properties.
10.How do i withdraw money from the game ?
Go to “accounting and financial report” /”euro operations”/ and select “Withdraw” tab . You can withdraw money by paypal or bank transfer . You will need to go to “payment info” tab and carefully fill in your payment profile.
11.How long until i get my money ?
All transfer are concluded within 48 hours .
12.How can i make money in the game ?
ANNO1777 imitates a real life economy. There are multiple ways to make money . The easiest way would be to work for ingame companies, but there is a wide array of choices like opening your own company , wares commerce or slaves.
13.What is “WELLNESS” ?
Wellness is by far the most important indicator in the game.All your gains are related to how much wellness you have, bonuses, salaries ,or how many opponents can you conquer. Wellnes rises when you consume certain products and diminishes each hour by a certain amount of points , or when you fight or work.
14.When and and how Wellness diminishes ?
Wellness diminishes every hour according to the following formula : Pr =W x 0.05 ( Pr – procentage, W – actual wellness). Wellness will drop according to the previous formula disregarding any activities that you may or may not be doing. For example if your wellness is at 50% , it will drop each hour by 50 x 0.05 meaning you will lose 2.5 point of wellness. Wellness also diminishes every time you work by 8% and after every fight by 1%.
15.How do i keep my Wellness high ?
Wellness rises when you consume food , wine or if you are well dressed or live in a house. A food ration can give you between 1-5 points of wellness> A bottle of wine between 1-50 points every day . The house you live in can give you 5 to 25 points every day depending on it’s quality.
16.How many types of clothes are there ?
There are 10 types of garments and you can own only one type of each. You can have only one hat one set of pants etc. Clothes have 5 levels of quality wich is measured in stars,5 stars clothes being the best your money can buy. Depending on their quality level clothes cand endure the passing of time a lot longer and will give you more or less strength everyday. Clothes are produced by the “Cloth” manufacturing companies , they are degradable wich means ,when a certian period of time has passed they will dissapear from your inventory.
17.What types of food are there ?
There is only one type of food wich can have 5 degrees of quality.Quality 1 food will give you 1 point of strength ,quality 2/ 2 points of strenth and so on until level 5 wich will strenghten you by 5 points of wellness.Food companies (restaurants) can name their food as they wish.
18.How many times/day can i eat ?
You can eat 4 ration/day. You can supply your inventory with more food but you will only be able to eat once every 6 hours.
19.How many types of houses are there ?
There is only one type of house. Houses have 5 degrees of quality and are the only products wich are not degradable. A house can boost your wellness with 5 ,10,15,20, or 25 wellness points everyday. They can be rented or bought. To get the wellnes bonus you need to reside in that house.You can only live in one house at any given time.
20.Where is my Inventory ?
Inventory section can be found by pressing Pics,Profile & Inventory in the header menu. Here you can see all your clothes, houses , food and any means of transportation you own.
21.How do i buy products ?
To buy products go to “Goods” tab in the main menu. Goods are organized in sections. Choose the section you were looking for, specify the desired quantity and press the buy button, a new pop up will ask you who do you wish to buy the products for ( for your company or for yourself).
22.How do i move to another region ?
To change region go to “Main Page” and click the “Change Region” tab. You can move from one region to another “by foot” or by using a means of transportation. If you choose to go “by foot” you will lose 1 wellness point for every 10 km you travel. If you don’t own a carriage or a hot air balloon , you can rent them after you have selected your destination .
23.How many means of transportation are there ?
There are two type of transports: carriages and hot air balloons.Carriages can only be used to travel only inside the country, hot air baloons can travel worldwide.
24.How do i travel without losing any wellness ?
Using transportation is the only way to travel without losing any wellness points.Without them you will lose 1 wellness point for every 10km traveled.
25.How do i buy a carriage or a hot air baloon ?
You can buy means of transportation from the goods tab found in the main menu. Choose means of transportation section then click on the desired mean of transport (carriage or hot air baloon).
26.How do i change citizenship ?
To change citizenship you must fill in an application request to the government of the country you wish to become a citizen . First you must move in that country ( region is not important).Go to Presidency & Government section in the menu , Demography and click the “citizenship” button. You will need to present a reason for your application. After sending your application it will need to be approved by a member of the government to gain citizenship in that country.
27.How do i upload a picture ?
To upload a picture go to Pics & Profile Inventory section, you will be able to upload new pictures there or delete old ones. Any new pictures submitted will be pending approval from a member of the game administration team before it can become visible.
28.How do i fill in my profile ?
To fill in your profile go to Pics & Profile Inventory section, answer the 10 questions and they will become visible as soon as they will be approved.
29.What is a government bonus?
Government bonus represents money offered in local currency by the government to players when they complete certain achievments.There are 9 types of bonuses. Most of them can be cashed in only once every 24 hours , other more times/ day.
30.How do i get my bonus ?
Go to Bonuses tab from the left menu , thats where you will find all available bonuses.
31.Why do i pay taxes and to who’m do i pay them ?
Taxes are essential for the game economy. There are two major taxes that you will pay. One for your masters , and one to the government budget. Both firms and citizens have the obligation to pay these taxes.
32.How many types of fights are there ?
There are two type of fights. First type reffers to fights bewteen players concluded with slave capturing and the second type reffers to fights during war time bewteen countries concluded with the capture of regions.
33.How many times/day can i fight ?
One fight lasts for 20 minutes and can be ended immediatly by paying 0.1 euro. There is no limit to the number of fights that can be started in a day period.
34.What is a slave ?
When you attack someone and win that person becomes your slave, he will pay you taxes form all his income . The amount paid varies between 2.5% and 25% an is influenced by the strength you have. Example : at 50% wellness you will receive 12.5%.
35.How many types of slaves are there ?
There are two types of slaves . Direct slaves and permanent slaves. Direct slaves can be obtained by aquisition or by attack. Permanent slaves are the players that sign through your refferal link.
36.How do i gain a lot of direct slaves ?
There are two ways to obtain slaves by aquisition or by fighting. When you attack someone and win the fight, he becomes your slave and he will pay you taxes from all his income. You can also buy slaves from the “Slave Market” section found in the main menu.
37.What is a permanent slave and how do i gain them ?
Permanent slaves are the players that sign in the game through your refferal link. they are called permanent slaves because they can not be lost trough battle or any other means, they can however be sold . Even if a permanent slave is attacked by someonelse , he will continue to pay you taxes as a permanent slave. Permanent slaves can be bought or sold.
38.What kind of taxes do i receive from a permanent slave ?
A permanent slave will pay up to 10% tax from every income he makes . You will receive this procentage according to the strength you have . At 50% wellness , you will receive 5% tax from every income your permanent slaves have.
39.How do i block a slave ?
Only direct slaves can be blocked. To block a slave go to Fight/Slaves and click the “block slave” button. Check for the cost also.
40.Why would i pay to block a slave ?
Some slaves are more profitable then others because they can bring you bigger revenues if they are very active or if they invest a lot of money in the game. By blocking these slaves , they cannot be attacked , therefore they can’t be lost. When the generate revenues are greater then the blocking cost you will make profit.
41.How do i sell a slave ?
To sell a slave go to Fights/Slaves choose a section (direct ,blocked or permanent ), click the sell button and carefully fill in the price, after that click ok and the slave will be placed on the market for sale instantly.
42.What taxes do i pay when i transfer slaves ?
For each type of slave the government sets a tax wich will be paid when the transfer occurs. To see the amount of taxes paid for each type of slaves go to Presidency& Government /Taxes & Bonuses, you will find them listed here.
43.How do i buy slaves ?
To buy slaves go to Slave market tab from the main menu , choose a section and click the buy button.
44.How do i attack another player ?
To attack another player go to Fight tab from the main menu . There you will find listed a series of targets available in your region. To be able to attack you must not be involved in any other type of activity like work,fight or in transit to another region/country. The same goes for your opponent. Both players must be in the same region. You cant attack players with more defence points then your attack points.
45.How is the winner decided in a battle ?
The result of a fight is decided by comparing the attacker atack points with the defender defense points. If the attacker’s point are bigger he wins the fight.
46.What kind of weapons are there ?
There are 10 types of attack weapons nd 10 types of defense weapons. Each weapon has 5 levels of quality. The higher the quality ,the more attack/defense points it will yield to it’s bearer. A quality 1 weapon can be used in 10 fights after that it will disappear form your inventory , a quality 5 weapon can be used in 50 fights.
47.How do i buy weapons ?
Weapons can be bought by going to the goods tab in the main menu. They will go into your inventory as soon as you’ve bought them.
48.Where can i see how many weapons i have ?
Go to Pics,Profile & Inventory tab, there you will find listed all available weapons and the bonus points you get from them.
49.How many weapons can i buy ?
You can only have one of each type of weapon at any given time.
50.How do i calculate attack points ? What about defence points ?
Each attack weapon has a fixed number of attack points , you can have more attack points by buying higher quality weapons. The total amount of points given by all your attack weapons reprezent your total atack points. Based on your attack points and wellness the final attack points will determine whether you will win or lose a fight. Same goes for defence weapons.
51.How do you determine the total attack ? What about total defence ?
Total attack is calculated based on your attack points and your wellnes with the following formula : TA =W%AP, where TA -total attack, W-wellness, AP – attack points. If for example the amount attack points given by your weapons is 100 and your wellness is 25%, your total attack will be 25. Same goes for total defence.
52.What is the economic rating and how do i raise it ?
Everyday you work your economic rating will rise by 2 points, However you lose 1 point /day.If you work 10 days in a row, your economic rating will rise by 10 points.You can’t have more then 100 economic rating, based on this rating and your wellness productivity is calculated.
53.What is productivity ?
The amount of money you receive when working is determined by your productivity. The salaries listed on the jobs page reffer to players with 100% productivity. Productivity formula is : Prod = (W + ER)/2 where Prod – Productivity ,W – wellness, ER – economic rating. If your wellness is 50% and your economic rating is 80 your productivity is (80+50) / 2 = 65.
54.How do i get a job ?
Each attack weapon has a fixed number of attack points , you can have more attack points by buying higher quality weapons. The total amount of points given by all your attack weapons reprezent your total atack points. Based on your attack points and wellness the final attack points will determine whether you will win or lose a fight. Same goes for defence weapons.
55.How long a workday lasts ?
A workday lasts for 8 hours. While you work you can’t fight and you can’t move to another region.
56.The salary listed is different form what i receive
The salaries listed on the jobs page relate to players with 100% productivity. If you received less it means your productivity is not 100%. With 50% productivity , you will receive half of the listed salary.
57.How often can i work within a day’s period ?
You can only work once every 24 hours.
58.Who can open companies in Anno1777 ?
Anyone can open a company assuming they have the required amount of money.
59.How do i open a company ?
Go to my companies tab in the main menu click the open tab then choose from the listed companies. You will have to fill in a description, a name and upload a picture for your company. To manage your newly created company go to my companies tab again.
60.How much will it cost me to open a new company ?
Companies cost between 2 and 50 euro. Prices are listed within the company page , after you click the open new company tab.
61.How does a company work ?
Almost all companies in Anno1777 are based on the same principle. They all require raw materials , means of production and workforce to manufacture various products. These products are sold later with an added cost.
62.What kind of raw materials are there ?
There are 5 types of raw materials : iron,wood,cotton,meat and leather. All other products use these raw materials in their manufacturing process.
63.How do i create a workplace for my company ?
Go to the management page of your company select the workplace tab and create a new one. You can create as many workplaces as you wish, they cost 1 euro each.
64.How do i open a new branch ?
If you want your products to be available in a certain region you need to open a branch in that area. Go to management page of your company select the branches tab , there you will have the option to create a new branch in the regions available in your country. Opening a new branch costs 1 euro.
65.How do i sell my products ?
Go to the management page of your company . Fill in the quantity you wish to sell along with the price then click the sell button. To remove them from the market add 0 value instead of your quantity.
66.What is a license ?
A license allows you to manufacture and sell certain products. You can buy a license in the game .
67.How do i buy a license ?
Go to the management page of your company slect the license section, there you will find listed all available licenses ranging form quality 1 to 5. Carefully select the license you want and click the buy button.
68.How do i sell a license ?
Go to the management page of your company , fill in the price you want then click the sell button next to your license. Keep in mind though when someonelse buys your license he will also buy all the stock belonging to that company .
69.How do i see what products i sold with my company ?
Go to the management page of your company select the accounting tab, there you will find listed all tranzactions made by your company.
70.What is a “mean of production” ?
Mean of production or tools and machinery are required to manufacture products. Mean of production are need it by all companies in anno and have a degradable life span.
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